Storage Furniture
Christian Werner
Pagnon & Pelhaître
Christian Werner
Pagnon & Pelhaître
Philippe Nigro
Mauro Lipparini
Pagnon & Pelhaître
Eric Jourdan
Sebastian Herkner
Benjamin Graindorge
Evangelos Vasileiou
Pagnon& Pelhaître
Pagnon & Pelhaître
Christian Werner
Pagnon & Pelhaître
Mauro Lipparini
Mauro Lipparini
Pagnon & Pelhaître
Pagnon & Pelhaître
Hertel & Klarhoefer
Hertel & Klarhoefer
Marie C Dorner
Marie Christine Dorner

Not what you're looking for? Take your time and discover one of the largest furniture collections of contemporary design combined with the know-how of 150 years of company history.